How to use orography from DataForWind in WAsP using GlobalMapper
by José Miguel Jáuregui
- Extract the DEM in ASCII XYZ format
- Opening XYZ files using Global Mapper:
- Open Global Mapper.
- Choose File | Open generic ASCII text files
- Select Generic ASCII text file import options | Import type | Elevation grid from 3point data
- Select Generic ASCII text file import options | Treat 3rd coordinate value as elevation
- Inspect the map for voids (undefined values), spikes and wells. Remove any of these problems by editing height overlay options (Tools | Control center… options)
- Change the coordinate system to UTM (If needed):
- Choose Tools | Configure | Projection…
- Projection: UTM
- Zone: Zone being studied
- Datum: Coordinate system
- Apply
- Make a contour map in Global Mapper:
- Create a new contour map in Global Mapper using XYZ files
- Choose File | Generate contours…
- Choose the appropriate contour levels in the Contour generation menu options
- Export the height contours to a 3D AutoCAD DXF file from the File | Export vector data | Export DXF
- In DXF Export options tick Generate zero width lines
- To select the part of the map to export, DXF Export options | Export bounds
The result is a DXF file that can be easily open by WAsP Map Editor